Rebirth: The Dragonplague Wiki

I am your fear of the unknown.

A Baron without his fortune, this warlock is hellbent on becoming a Lord in Hell.

Physical Traits[]

  • Race:Human
  • Gender: Male
  • Height: 1,65 Meters
  • Weight: 180 Lbs
  • Age: 21
  • Hair: Red Blond
  • Eyes: Purple (Left). Red (Right)


Wicked, sadist, deviant, machiavelian, motherfucker...And then some. Reficul has proven times and times again that he holds nothing sacred and that he will use intimidation and lies to get what he wants. He knows he has the power to do it too. He's reckless when it comes to substances,foods and drinks he hasn't encountered yet.

Never ask him about the only woman he ever loved.


Neutral Evil


Pre-Game Story[]

[PreGame Here]

Solo Story[]

[Solo Story Info Here]

Paragon Path[]

Becoming a Lord in Hell is the only way he'll save his soul. Damnation's a funny thing.


Thyella : Reficul sees her as nothing more than a dirty hippie from a race below him. Still, she has proven to be a most valuable ally and he tolerates her.


  • I have chains with all of your name on them.
  • You shall suffer.
  • I had a queer dream in which I raped a mindflayer...